Now or …. later!

Abhishek Gupta
3 min readJan 8, 2021


The way tech is dominating our entire world, it wouldn’t have been evil if only, it wasn’t controlled by say, 100 people in the World? Imagine, a group of 100 people deciding (with only maximation point being — money), on how education, healthcare, entertainment, etc. should function. I don’t know if you see, what I see. Maybe I am exaggerating, and it wouldn’t be 100. 1000, then?

What’s the way out? Some changes are in order — now, or later. But not making them would be dangerous. I don’t understand this well enough to talk about systemic changes that need to be done. I can outline what I believe can be impactful and maybe you find it helpful for your own sake and for generations to come.

1) Google Search => Ecosia

Imagine your search could plant trees, and save the planet. Changing your search engine from Google to Ecosia would do exactly that. You would feel some difference when you shift, it wouldn’t be the same, but believe me it is worth it.

For laptop install brave and change your default search engine to Ecosia.
For phone simply install

It isn’t a new org, but something that exists for 11 years already, with 15M+ users. They have planted 117M trees already.

2) Whatsapp => Telegram or Signal

I prefer Signal. But some people feel it doesn’t have all the functionalities that they need. So you can choose Telegram. Signal is how I believe the future should be — major tech stuff should reside with non-profits or conscious companies. Bonus Info: Brian was a co-founder at Whatsapp, and is now one of the co-founders at Signal. Love you, Brian.

3) Youtube => NewPipe

This one is tricky and on the edge of morality. No ads, audio/video download, background play while you play any YouTube video on Newpipe. Newpipe is awesome. To install it on your phone download and install f-droid, and then from there install “Newpipe Legacy”. Disable Youtube. You may not like it initially, but believe this one is the best thing that can happen to your Youtube.

4) Google Chrome => Brave

This is the easiest change to make, with hardly any change in how you operate your browser. Use brave as your browser. You wouldn’t remember seeing any ads at all. On phone, as mentioned in 1) use Ecosia as the browser instead. Now ads while watching YouTube videos as well.

5) Google Pay / Paytm => Bhim

I am not really sure about this one. But to be honest, I don’t like Google and try to replace wherever it can. I have struggled to replace google maps and photos, but to replace Google Pay with Bhim was a pretty trivial one.

6) Amazon / Flipkart => Local Vendor (Whenever Possible)

Again maybe controversial. But please help create local jobs instead of centralising stuff. Use this behaviour to replace many apps.

Things I’d love to see and possibly collaborate on:

  1. Make Signal happen to Uber/Ola.
  2. Make Khan Academy happen to Byju, Whitehat and party.
  3. Make Swaraj University happen to MBA.
  4. Make Amul happen to FMCG.
  5. The list goes on and on.
  6. LinkedIn for Conscious Businesses.

Three things that you can immediately do (once you have taken some of the suggested steps, preferably!)

  1. Share, Share, Share!
  2. Comment and mention the steps you could take towards a future where privacy is respected and tech doesn’t turn mega-evil
  3. Suggest what can be further added to either of the lists



Abhishek Gupta
Abhishek Gupta

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